Networks / Cyber

Scorpius G – A new era in electronic warfare

Scorpius systems revolutionizes electronic warfare with a new lineup of cutting-edge solutions.

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Image courtesy of IAI-ELTA.


Many of today’s deadliest weapons systems rely on radar technology for target acquisition and guidance. SAR imaging radars, deployed from satellites or aircraft, provide effective ground target detection capabilities around the clock and in all weather conditions. Fire control radars direct a wide range of weapons to target, including gun, artillery, rocket and missile systems. In fact, many of the latter are guided to target by onboard radars.

As such, Electronic Warfare (EW) systems that are able to detect, classify, locate and disrupt radar systems are of vital importance in protecting against radar directed threats. However, legacy EW systems are often incapable of defeating the latest radars and are therefore of limited utility on the modern battlefield.

To intercept, analyze, locate, track and jam advanced airborne, land and sea based radars Israel IAI’s subsidiary ELTA Systems Ltd, a division of IAI, has leveraged its five-decade rich technological heritage to field the revolutionary Scorpius family of long range RF Electronic Support Measures (ESM) and Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) systems, the most advanced systems currently available, to provide unmatched electronic protection and jamming capabilities. Scorpius-G (ELL-8256SB) is the version designed for ground deployment.

Scorpius-G is a valuable tool in times of war as well as relative calm. Its unmatched multi target jamming capabilities, critical for protection against the multitude of potential threats that may materialize in combat, also enable the system to answer the infiltration of hostile intelligence gathering aircraft into sovereign airspace with highly effective, non-lethal force. Moreover, Scorpius-T, an advanced EW training system based on Scorpius-G’s advanced technology, enables EW personnel to train with unprecedented effectiveness, ensuring maximal combat readiness.

IAI-ELTA’s Staring Multibeam AESA – A Game Changing Technology

Scorpius-G is based on IAI-ELTA’s advanced Active Electronic Scanning Array (AESA) technology. AESA employs an array of wide-band digital transceivers to achieve a substantial increase in receiver sensitivity – enabling the system to detect threats at much greater ranges than previously possible. Scorpius-G also incorporates Multibeam Staring technology, which empowers simultaneous scanning of the entire surrounding hemisphere. Multibeam Staring AESA deploys multiple, narrow, high-power jamming beams, facilitating simultaneous targeting of multiple threats across the entire field of regard.

The system utilizes the latest Gallium Nitrade (GaN) Solid State amplifier technology to increase Effective Radiated Power (ERP) – far in excess of legacy EW solutions. Together with enhanced sensitivity, this enables Scorpius-G to detect, disrupt and degrade enemy radars with unparalleled effect, even though their side lobes. Scorpius-G can detect and track the most complex threats such as low probability-of-intercept (LPI) radars. Scorpius G’s ability to detect and track low level signals, together with its wide sector coverage, also enable the system to build a comprehensive, accurate Electronic Order of Battle (EOB).

Scorpius-G features a flexible, modular, software driven architecture, that is easily updated as new radar threats are introduced.

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Image courtesy of IAI-ELTA.

Ready for Deployment

Scorpius-G can be mounted on a rugged, all-terrain vehicle, for deployment in support of mobile operations. A pedestal mounted version is also available for fixed installation at critical sites. Multiple units can be deployed in network mode to cover larger and more complex regions, providing a protective hemisphere around ground assets. Moreover, full compatibility with leading air defense systems reduces the burden on kinetic defenses, preserving kinetic effectors capabilities for further engagement.

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Image courtesy of IAI-ELTA.

Meet the rest of the EW Family

Scorpius-T (ELL-8257SB) is a multi-threat EW emulator designed to provide a realistic signal-dense, multi-threat training environment for aircrews and EW operators, and to support system testing and evaluation. Scorpius-T’s capabilities are unprecedented, with diverse training scenarios to challenge fourth- and fifth generation fighter aircraft. With its multi-beam capability based on the Scorpius ESA technology, the system can simultaneously engage multiple trainee aircraft with an array of threat patterns, emulating the threat’s full operational sequence: from search, acquisition and track, to launch.

Scorpius-N (ELL-8256SB) is IAI-ELTA’s powerful shipborne EW suite combining advanced Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) and Electronic Support Measures (ESM) capabilities. It comprises four conformal antenna array panels, each housing transceiver arrays that cover a wide frequency range, a control unit for processing and managing operations, and an operator console that includes maintenance and training functions. Scorpius-N provides naval forces with the tools needed to contend with current and future threats.
Highly developed multi-beam, multi-technique power management capabilities enable Scorpius-N to efficiently jam multiple emitters, including all types of radars and RF missile seekers. The system detects and then tracks, engages and jams multiple threats over a wide geographic sector to create a protective hemisphere around naval forces. It will disrupt the operation of long-range, sea anti-ship skimming missiles before they close range and lock on to the vessel. Moreover, the system will effectively attack the newest generation low probability-of-intercept radar systems used to provide weapons with target data. Finally, Scorpius-N is fully compatible with leading hard-kill systems. In fact, its advanced capabilities significantly reduce the burden on hard-kill systems, preserving their capabilities for further engagement.

Scorpius-N employs IAI-ELTA’s “Intelligent ESM” technology to generate an automatic Electronic Order of Battle (EOB), including emitter classification, and deliver a comprehensive situational awareness picture of the electromagnetic environment. It also supports radio-silent operation by providing an Emission Control (EMCON) mode, whereby the ship enters a fully passive mode for situational awareness.
Scorpius technology allows for exceptionally high EW performance in a small form factor – advantages that enabled the development of the Scorpius-EJ (ELL-8251SB) & Scorpius-SP (ELL-8222SB) systems.

Designed for deployment from fighter and transport aircraft, these systems deliver unprecedented capabilities relative to their respective size and weight class thanks to AESA and GaN technologies.
Scorpius Escort Jammer (EJ), the larger of the two, is designed to suppress all types of air surveillance and fire control radars, creating a safe corridor along a mission flight path. This flexible system can be installed as a pod on the centerline station of a fighter aircraft. Transport and support aircraft can accommodate the pod on an external mount and a version configured for internal installation is also available. The pod configuration employs a RAM air turbine to generate additional internal power.

The little brother of the EJ, Scorpius-SP is designed to provide advanced protection to individual aircraft. This cutting-edge Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) pod, like all members of the Scorpius family, exploits the advantages of AESA technology to achieve high sensitivity target detection and the transmission of accurate narrowly focused high-power directional beams. Mounted within IAI-ELTA’s proven, compact, lightweight, low drag pod configuration, which is similar in contour to an air-to-air missile, the system can be installed on all wing stations. Scorpius-SP provides the most effective target jamming capability available today in self-protection pods.

IAI is a world-class aerospace and defense company innovating and delivering state-of-the-art technologies in space, air, land, naval, cyber & homeland security for defense and commercial markets.