Air Warfare

The sights of AFA 2023 day 1 [PHOTOS]

Day one of the 2023 Air and Space Forces Association national conference is in the book, but there was plenty to see.

Frank Kendall

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall speaks at the keynote of AFA 2023 Day One. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense)

AFA 2023 — Day one of the 2023 Air and Space Forces Association national conference is in the book. While there weren’t a ton of announcements, there certainly was plenty to see. Here are some of the sights from the conference floor.

SNC Balloon

It’s a surveillance and communications balloon named SHADE (Synchronized High Altitude Distributed Environment) that’s designed to “leverage the stratosphere,” says SNC. The black bit at the bottom of the model is a solar panel, and many more panels can be added depending on payload. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)


Collins Strike Missile

Missiles a flyin’ at AFA; at top left is a Joint Strike Missile from RTX. Also on their booth is an AIM-9X Sidewinder just below, an AIM-120 AMRAAM at top right, and a GBU-53/B StormBreaker glide bomb at bottom right. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)



Tucked in a small seating area on the Boeing stand is a model of the E-7 airborne early warning and control aircraft. It’s a command-and-control platform for multi-domain awareness. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)


Andruil Drone

If looks could kill, Anduril’s Fury multi-mission Group 5 autonomous air vehicle certainly fits the bill. Fury’s mission is to accelerate the development, testing, and fielding of mission autonomy. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)


Northrop Hypersonics

A first-time visitor to be displayed at an industry show: a model of Northrop Grumman’s scramjet engine that powered the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapons Concept (HAWC) missile. Behind it is a Stand-in Attack Weapon for the Air Force. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)


Flightsafety simulation

Airmen all in a row. Given that they’re at the FlightSafety booth, their virtual reality goggles are displaying training like emergency procedures, cockpit familiarization, and traffic pattern operations. (Brendon Smith/Breaking Defense.)