Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team


Cardillo: 1 Million Times More GEOINT Data In 5 Years

UPDATED: Adds Details On New Data Partnerships; IC Works With DepSecDef Video Task Force GEOINT: To cope with the gargantuan increase in data sure to come, the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency must broaden its outreach to industry and the civil community, and, at the same time, ensure that it does a better job of ensuring […]

Networks / Cyber

IARPA, Amon-Hen & Aladdin: Next Gen Intel

CORRECTED: NPOI Remains In Use For SSA GEOINT: Think about technology to identify suicide bombers and high value targets who’ve been blown to bits without using DNA. The Intelligence Community’s version of DARPA, IARPA, is doing just that with a program designed to use proteins from hair and keratin (which makes up much of the […]

Air Warfare

The War Algorithm: The Pentagon’s Bet On The Future Of War

Thinking about robots and war often brings to mind HAL, the apparently well-meaning but ultimately destructive computer in 2001, or the metallic creatures of death in the Terminator series. Today, however, the Pentagon wants to push the concept in a different direction. With advanced adversaries like Russia and China copying the smart weapons, stealth fighters, and […]