Land Warfare

Why ground robotics are now critical in modern combat

Autonomy in the pursuit of interoperability is today’s path for ground robotics.

FLIR eBrief CoverGround robotics are playing a more prominent role due to the amount of ordnance being used in Ukraine and elsewhere around the world. That’s fueling the need to create greater standoff distances between warfighters and hazards, and the imperative for better ISR.

In this eBRIEF, we look at how ground robots are programmatic, sustainable, and mature, and playing roles in tactical environments now that will only expand with the addition of greater autonomy

Download this FREE editorial eBrief for all the details on how powerful robotic solutions are integral for the modern battlefield.

Breaking Defense thanks Teledyne FLIR for supporting this editorial E-Brief.
Sponsorship does not influence the editorial content of the E-Brief.
